Acer Service Center is available in 34 provinces : DesaCanggu

Acer Service Centre, providing maximum service to consumers

With the well-known Acer brand,  it is now very  easy  to find Acer  service centers in  all regions in Indonesia. This  year  ,  Acer’s own service  centers have expanded  in 34  provinces  in Indonesia,  with 104  locations in  84  different cities.

This is so that consumers  from all over the region can get services from Acer  .   We are ready to provide the  best service to loyal customers.   Since it was founded  in  1976,  Acer  is  a trusted brand and of course likes the public.

By offering quality products for different budgets.  From  standard specifications to laptops for  quality and game design, although they are available under the  Acer brand.   These  products can   easily get   through official Acer outlets available  throughout Indonesia.

But  with a pandemic and  social restrictions in most  parts of Indonesia.   Our  customer is still  ready to provide services to customers through remote  services.   This is for maintaining  health protocols  and of  course the comfort of the hearts of our  customers.

Acer Service Center serves long distances

We  can provide our services  remotely, either through a call  centre  or our other contacts.   Through work from the domestic  program and  online learning in schools, Acer  also participated in supporting these activities to  ensure the unsuadable activities.

This collaboration with  customers that provide support to increase your productivity during  activities at home.   The support in question, such as the home version of the pre-installed  Office  package and several online learning packages, also provides  Acer to  improve the quality of  education.   You also need to maintain productivity at home.

This is what makes the Acer service center try to provide services like above.   Although they have  limited access  during such a pandemic,  the quality of work and study activities should not be  reduced.   We  will also provide free delivery to deliver these packages so that they can support the program at  home.

If there are  problems with the operation of the package,  don’t  panic first.   Simply   take your  smartphone or phone and continue  by contacting  the  Acer call centre to get installation  procedures.   Activities at home alone remain productive with the help of  Acer service.

The free delivery service is likely to be available in several locations in major cities. Such services will therefore not receive all the outlets. In the suburbs, it’s possible that it’s not available at the moment. However, in this respect, we will still improve the quality of customer convenience.

Acer Service Center is available in 34 provinces

As mentioned above, Acer’s service centers are expanded throughout the archipelago. With 104 locations in 84 different cities in 34 provinces. This is likely to be the case that you can find a service center in the nearest city. To get a location is easy.

You can search directly  on  google’s    search engine or check  Acer’s  official website . Where the information contained   in our official website will have the information.  In some search engine results, sometimes there is old  information.

Or information that didn’t have time to update.    Be simple if, via  the official website, of  course, the information is accurate and up-to-date  .   Of course,  this will ease   your need for services  or just for consultation. Our customer service is  ready to provide the  best  service  for you.

With  the current state of   the Covid-19 pandemic    , our service  center  will continue to maintain medical  protocols. For consumer  comfort    when visiting  sales houses. Consumers or customers must   also wear   masks to   maintain comfort  among other customers.

In addition, the Acer service centre will  perform  a social  distance by maintaining a distance from customers and  officers.   Therefore  , there  is no need to worry about this ,  it is  expected to be recalled in order to preserve  each other  ‘s health and   prevent the  spread of the Covida outbreak on 19 December 2009 .

There is an Acer service center that works for 7 days

In addition  to providing convenience for customers  who come into  the outlet,  especially for some service centers in certain locations  provide  services for 7 days.   Limited hours on Sundays.

We  hope that customers  who only  have time on Sundays can take advantage of the opportunity to visit  our houses.     It’s open  around  10 a.m. to  3 p.m. on Sundays.   Even if  it’s only found in big cities,   it’s  proof.

Proof that Acer wishes      to  provide customers with maximum service.   While maintaining  quality in  providing  services, consumers expect to  get the best service from our  Acer service center officers.

We are also  prepared for questions about the brand or complaints  to our  products.  Also  , check  all updates to the Acer brand information on  a regular basis.   About  the promos,  the new products, the events we have. This will certainly make Acer a trusted product.

Acer Service Center website provides online tracking

It is clear  that no one wants the goods he bought to be damaged and that there is a disturbance  .   But it doesn’t  hurt to get an umbrella ready  before  it  rains. Therefore, we  provide an official warranty for each  of our official  Acer products. To provide comfort  if  there are  obstacles in the  future.

To  make a warranty claim  , just show proof of warranty, such as warranty  book, hologram  warranty sticker and Acer  invoice to purchase the product.   To obtain a warranty,  you must  activate independently.   Now it can be done  online through the website of our warranty section in in the registration below me.

Then fill out the form with the right information so that unwanted things  don’t happen later. When you’re done, click Send and wait for the activation process.   In addition, you can also send an email  with embedded proof  of purchase  and warranty  card that has been filled with the right information on  the email.

We as a brand known for  its technology  also provide  online tracking  for  those who do  services. Online tracking  here is designed  to verify the progress of  your service.   How to check is easy  and fast.   First  ,, and  then select the support menu.

If the drop-down menu appears, select Web Service Tracking.     Then it will open a new  window where you will need to  enter the serial  number of  the device or service number.

If you clicked the track,  if the data you entered is  real, the  progress device will  appear.   This  is to provide  comfort and  customer confidence   in our services, of course.   The task of the  Acer  Service Center is to serve customers to the  maximum.

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